Heights Fellowship Church: Who Are We?
We are a non-denominational, international and multicultural spirit-filled local congregation raised
to preach and teach the power of the life-changing message of Christ (gospel) to win the world for Christ.
Join us, prepare, equip, and commission believers of all races, languages, and creed in the services of Christ and
“make Him known”
We welcome all every Sunday (1:00 PM -3PM) and Wednesday (7PM-8:PM) at Christ Episcopal Church Building 3445 warrensville Center Road, Shaker Heights Ohio 44122
Is Heights Fellowship Christ-Centered?
Yes! We believe that the gospel of Christ is the only way to escape sin! We're all are guilty sinners! As
the Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Roman 3:23), but there is no
condemnation for those in Christ (Romans 8:1). Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ to all
mankind especially to the Africans in Diaspora (1 Peter 2:9) to preach (kerygma) and teach (Didache)
the revealed truth, and raise a people called out (ecclesia).
Any affiliation?
Heights Fellowship church is a member of United Pastors in Mission of Cleveland and is committed to
the service of Jesus Christ as outlined in our article of incorporation in the state of Ohio.
Finally, the financial support for running this ministry comes from tithes and offerings of faithful
members and friends. You can conveniently give your tax deductible tithes and offering online on this website!
Ministries of the Heights Fellowship Church
The Heights Fellowship Church is a local congregation with a mission and vision to fulfill the universal call to preach, teach, and model the gospel of Christ first to the African Diaspora and then the unreached world. The Church's is motto is, "To know Christ and to let Him be known." We are part of the Church of Christ universal revealed as God's truth that produces a special people raised for God's purposes. We believe that we are part of the group that St. Peter calls "a peculiar people" (1 Peter 2:9). The Church of Jesus, in our understanding, is a movement. The Church's mission is to preach (kerygma) and teach (Didache) the revealed truth and raise a people called out (ecclesia) from the world to become the body of Christ, which is the Church. The Church comprises people purchased and established by Christ to carry out God's message (Acts 20:28).
The Heights Fellowship ministries is a member church organization of the United Pastors in Mission, an organization that brings Cleveland area churches together for fellowship, education, and joint mission to address challenges in Cleveland. The ministry's vision is to build God's Kingdom, starting in Cleveland, Ohio, and then to the ends of the earth. The Heights Fellowship Church is a non-denominational, independent, and spirit-filled congregation. We are part of the mainstream evangelical Christian movement with the sole mission of preaching and teaching scriptures as the inspired word of God. Our belief is in the gospel of Jesus Christ as outlined in the Church's article of incorporation in the state of Ohio. We share a close fellowship with Mt. Zion Church of Oakwood, Ohio.
The Role of the Holy Spirit and Bible
The Bible is the central text for this renewal program. We depend on the Holy Spirit to give us guidance and insight for this renewal program and prayerfully use the entire book of the Old and New Testaments as the authoritative Word of God to help this renewal process. In all our activities, the Bible is central; we believe the Holy Spirit inspires it in the recording of its very words and free from error in its original form. We will teach it as the authoritative guide for doctrine, faith, and conduct. The purpose of the Bible is to bring the Good News to save us from sin and damnation through faith in the person of Jesus Christ, to educate and train in people in the holiness of life, and to magnify God's glory. The Bible reveals from first to last God's plan of salvation in Christ. As such, its words are efficacious: it accomplishes what it says; it's are clear, readily understood; and they are entirely sufficient to achieve the purpose.
A life-changing Bible-centered renewal program is simply the work of God through His disciples and the Church. The Holy Spirit reveals and provides insight on what is necessary to grow the Church and guide the congregation to rediscover the transformational New Testament Christianity.